Our Process
At UNCOMMON DIVORCE, we strongly believe that we must first help our clients spiritually heal and reframe the way they think of the pending divorce before we can move onto the financial component. This cannot be emphasized enough.
Being emotional or angry when making decisions is counter-productive to your finances and your divorce and can have long-lasting effects for you, your children, and your future co-parenting.
In “common” divorce cases, it works quite the opposite. The attorneys fuel and encourage negative emotions in order to be on the offense and often use scorched earth tactics.
UNCOMMON DIVORCE is the “Harbinger of Transformation” in the business of divorce.
We are committed to serving the clients’ well being and financial security rather than enriching the legal industry at the cost of the family.
What makes us different at UNCOMMON DIVORCE is that we do not charge an hourly rate. As a result, we sit on the same side of the table as our clients. We are incentivized to create a divorce solution agreeable to both parties in a timely manner.
With outrageous hourly rates that the divorce attorneys command, the broken system of the “common” divorce absolutely incentivizes them and the experts to put you and your spouse through years of messy litigation and “back and forth” with the opposing side before settling your case.
For many attorneys, judges, and forensic accountants, these professionals have absolutely no attachment to your outcome. Your divorce and your future are merely a transaction.
UNCOMMON DIVORCE is committed to coaching the spouses at the emotional level so that we have adults sitting at the table when it's time to discuss finances and the children.
We work with our clients to reframe the situation in a positive light.
Take the lessons and move on for the better good.
See things from the other person’s perspective as well.
With UNCOMMON DIVORCE’s financial expertise, we then all work together to craft a healthy and stable financial future for each spouse.
One of the most powerful art pieces from Burning Man: A sculpture of two adults after a disagreement, sitting with their backs to each other. Yet, the inner child in both of them simply wants to connect. Age has many beautiful gifts but one we could live without is the pride and resentment we hold onto when we have conflicts with others. The forgiving, free spirit of children is our true nature. Remember this when you feel stubborn.
Credits Alexander Milov
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