Our Initial Consultation

The UNCOMMON DIVORCE process starts with a one-hour phone or video consultation that is designed to stand on its own and be useful whether you decide to proceed with us or not.

The consultation is NOT aimed at selling you on UNCOMMON DIVORCE and/or getting you as a client.

Actually, it’s just the opposite – this is a call that will have you walk away with actionable knowledge, emotional coaching, divorce and financial strategies, and some achievable timelines.

The phone or video call can be with one spouse or both and is one hour in duration.

The goal of the consultation is to get to know you and understand your family’s dynamics both emotionally and financially and then to give you advice based on those factors.

The advice and coaching will help address issues such as whether you should get a divorce, delay a divorce, start the divorce process now, how to approach the conversation of divorce, how your post-divorce life will look financially, etc.

We believe “knowledge is power” so you and your spouse will make informed decisions as you go forward.

As we always say “you should not learn as you go” in your divorce.

Once our consultation is completed and we reviewed your case we will advise you how you can work with UNCOMMON DIVORCE going forward.

If you decide to retain UNCOMMON DIVORCE, our client coordinator will send you all of the details of what we would need in order to start the process, as well as the time frame we would recommend for the divorce completion and a contract entailing our costs.

At the end of the UNCOMMON DIVORCE process, we will refer you to have a recommended attorney in your state draft the agreement on a neutral basis and guide you to the completion through the courts.

We also offer a post-divorce package including zoom consultations once or twice a year to discuss co-parenting, post-divorce finances and other issues that have arisen.

The UNCOMMON DIVORCE process is done on the phone or Zoom but in certain cases we will accommodate in-person meetings.

Success Stories

Available Monday to Friday:

  • Virtual Divorce through Zoom

  • Hi-tech Client Portal serving people in NJ, NY, FL