Why We Are Different
We do not believe marriage should be a life sentence if things didn’t work out as planned.
Although marriage is supposed to be forever, in the real world, we all know that that is not always realistic.
UNCOMMON DIVORCE is truly dedicated to the mental, spiritual, and financial well-being of the family.
Our main goal is to create a new family dynamic that works for everyone and has the children’s needs come first.
We believe if parents always make decisions based on the welfare of the children, they will make more educated, compassionate decisions - not fueled by emotions coming from love and dreams that have been lost. It is not all lost if the family is simply restructured.
UNCOMMON DIVORCE’s second goal is to help the spouses lessen the financial burden of having to run two households. We accomplish this by splitting the assets and income by using our creative financial skills and prioritization methods.
We truly want everyone to move on in a healthy manner and live their best life.
Let it go, let it flow!
Nothing good happens holding onto anger and resisting the inevitable changes.
We are here to help create a new framework for your post divorce life and impact future generations in a positive manner with our good work.
In the typical “common” divorce using two attorneys, each attorney speaks on the behalf of the client and only sees their perspective.
They only advocate for their own client and the whole family’s welfare is not considered.
They also recommend a typical “turnkey” division of assets with no creativity or thought for a long-term financial plan specific to each case and each person.
At UNCOMMON DIVORCE, we are realistic and understand that we cannot help everyone.
If your spouse does not want to participate and/or if we are not able to stop your narcissistic spouse from fighting and continuing the abuse (so you cannot part in peace), we can still guide you, advocate for you and back you up on the financials.
If that’s indeed the case, we will refer you to an attorney who will strongly fight for you and your children. In these cases, a trusted attorney is crucial.
In a typical mediation setting, the mediator may hear each attorney or client’s case from their own perspective. It is typically based on how that client wants to win and get the most for themselves. There is very little, if any, coaching.
Typically, the mediator leans towards the stronger or more stubborn party and bases their recommendations on simply settling the case to get it over with.
By design and in practice, there is little, often no thought given to whether each person can live with the settlement.
Why We Do This
At UNCOMMON DIVORCE, we want to make sure the whole family prospers post-divorce.
We want the children to feel safe and happy and excited for their two homes.
We want them to feel that their parents get along and can make adult decisions regarding the children’s welfare.
We do not want the kids to be in the middle of a war or worried not to disappoint either parent. Kids should not be stepping on eggshells.
We want both parents to feel confident in their new budget and lifestyle and looking forward to the new changes and the positive possibilities that could accompany their new life.
This could be new careers, new love down the line, more personal time when the kids are with the other parent, etc.
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